Natural clean feeling, comfort for me

Certificate and test


We produce hygiene products through a thorough quality control system so that women can enjoy a safer and cleaner everyday life

A product approved by the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA)

In the early stage of product development, the FITI test laboratory, a global comprehensive testing and certification agency, conducts a safety test every month for the safety of consumers.

Product safety inspection

In the early stage of product development, the FITI test laboratory, a global comprehensive testing and certification agency, conducts a safety test every month for the safety of consumers.

US FDA registered company

Sally's Law is a registered product that has passed all safety, health and quality standards set forth by the U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration

Status of Sally's Law Certification

Sanitary napkins, the daily necessities that share our daily lives. Sally's Law thinks that the day should be safe.

< Certificate of affiliated research institute >
No. 2016110848
< Report of quasi-drug manufacturing business >
No. 1081
< Certification of Quality&Environment Management System >
ISO 9001 & ISO 14001